
BMFH Press
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Online ISSN: 2186-3342
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We welcome original papers pertaining to all areas of intestinal microbiota of humans and other animals, food immunology, food function, and lactic acid bacteria.

The journal is indexed and abstracted in the following media:

Clarivate Analytics Services:
Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®)
Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
Biological Abstracts
BIOSIS Previews
FSTA (Food Science and Technology Abstracts)

Electronic submission of papers

News and Information

BMFH Vol. 43 No. 3 has been released on J-STAGE
BMFH Vol. 43 No. 2 has been released on PMC
Revision to "Instruction to Authors"

In the text, references should be cited by number. References should be listed in the order in which they appear in the article, and numbered as follows. In references all author's names should be listed up to 10 authors, if there are 11 or more authors, write first 10 names followed by et al.

1. Tanaka M, Koida A, Miyazaki A, Tabata K, Takei Y, Tanimoto Y, Kawamura M, Tsuzuki M, Takahashi H, Yano T, et al. 2023. Canna starch improves immune functions and the intestinal environment in mice. Biosci Microbiota Food Health 42: 131|137.

2. Yonezawa H, Osaki T, Kurata S, Fukuda M, Kawakami H, Ochiai K, Hanawa T, Kamiya S. 2009. Outer membrane vesicles of Helicobacter pylori TK1402 are involved in biofilm formation. BMC Microbiol 9: 197. Available at: (accessed 2011-08-02)

3. Salminen S, von Wright A, Ouwehand A. (eds). 2004. Lactic Acid Bacteria: Microbiological and Functional Aspects, Marcel Dekker, New York.

4. Hirayama K, Rafter J. 2006. Probiotics in cancer prevention. In Probiotics in Food Safety and Human Health, Goktepe I, Juneja VK, Ahmedna M (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 365|381.
Revision to gInstruction to Authorsh

Uninvited reviews will be received for peer-review from September 20, 2022.

Waiver policy has been added.
Revision to gInstruction to Authorsh

To widely disseminate research, BMFH permits authors to register their manuscripts on preprint servers officially approved by relevant research communities before or at the time of submitting these manuscripts to BMFH. This applies only to original-version manuscripts describing primary studies. Manuscripts revised based on reviewersf comments, accepted for publication, or already published in BMFH cannot be registered on preprint servers. However, there is no restriction on the registration of links to published papers on preprint servers.
If the manuscript has been registered on a preprint server prior to submission, this must be acknowledged upon submission. An information of the preprint document must be provided so that reviewers and editors can evaluate this and compare it with the submitted manuscript. The preprint information should give author name(s), title, preprint server name, posted date and doi. The authors are requested to write this information after DISCUSSION under ePreprint publicationf.
Revision to gInstruction to Authorsh

Data availability
We recommend that all data and related meta-data underlying the findings reported in a submitted manuscript will be deposited in an appropriate public repository (GenBank, European Nucleotide Archives, National Center for Biotechnology and Information, National Bioscience Data Center, DNA data bank of Japan).